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Open Category List

Exactly How Did You Create Your Live Preview Home Page

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The 1st demo in http://dev.quantumcloud.com/sld/ is the simplest and basically default SLD configuration. It uses the default “simple” template. We just created a few lists and used the following shortcode to display them all:

General Marketing Blogs (10)

Personal Blogs (10)

Inbound Marketing (5)

Email / Newsletters (7)

Link Sharing / URL Shorteners (8)

PR & Press (9)

Mobile / App Analytics (10)

Dashboards (9)

Analytics (8)

Social Media Management / Analytics (8)

Asset Management (4)

Blogging / Personal (9)

Writers (9)

Content Discovery / Curation (5)

Content Marketing (10)

Research / Monitoring (10)

Communication (10)

Workflow / Project Management (8)

Testing and Automation (10)

Growth Marketing (11)

Design / Mockups (10)

Images (10)

Video (10)

Infographics / Presentations (7)

But if you are going to make a lot of lists on different topics, a better approach would be to create a few broad categories first and assign each list to a particular category. Then you can output specific lists to certain pages based on topic/category. Use the shortcode generator from visual editor to easily create shortcode in any page.