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Need Cheap Website for my Start Up Business

Need a website for your business, but have a limited budget? If your business still does not have a website then you are probably a start up. Your business has just started gaining momentum and you are thinking: “I need a website for my business, but have a limited budget. What can I do?” Many small businesses, micro businesses and sole traders realize, especially at start-up time, that they do need a website but consider it as an

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WooCommerce Tabbed Category Wise Product Listing

WooCommerce Tabbed Category Wise Product Listing Now in WP Plugin Repository That is great news! It has been almost 2 years since we released the WooCommerce Tabbed Category Wise Product Listing plugin. WooCommerce got a few major revisions in the meantime but the plugin did not get updated – which made the plugin unusable with latest WordPress WooCommerce. Our sincere apologies for not being able to release an update earlier. But better late than never! This time

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How to clear cache of any browser

In our web design and development projects one of the things we have to repeat many times is to tell our customers to clear their browser cache and reload the web page before checking our updates in the staging server. While this may be something very instinctive to many of us, some people may take a few minutes to find the settings on the specific browser they are using to test the website. So here

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 QuantumCloud’s Senior Software Engineer Shibly gives a very handy introduction to Version Controlling with GIT Introduction to Git We all have experience working on projects that quickly spiral out of control before you know it through gazillions of constantly changing project requirements. It can get pretty frustrating to keep track of all the coding changes and different versions of the code. Experienced programmers know better and they use sophisticated version controlling systems to manage large projects

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Web Design Cost Calculator

Introducing Qalculator – a Web Design Cost Calculator QuantumCloud is a Responsive Web Design Company that has been providing web design services to its clients from all over the globe for last 11 years. In this long period of time we have been contacted by thousands of individuals and business owners and asked in the same number “how much is my website going to cost”? The answer varied each time based on individual business and

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