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Qalculator – (to find out) How Much Will My Website Cost?

By QuantumCloud 11 years ago1 Comment
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Introducing Qalculator – a Web Design Cost Calculator

Qalculator for Web Design CostQuantumCloud is a Responsive Web Design Company that has been providing web design services to its clients from all over the globe for last 11 years. In this long period of time we have been contacted by thousands of individuals and business owners and asked in the same number “how much is my website going to cost”? The answer varied each time based on individual business and website requirements. But we understand the importance of this question and to help business owners get an idea, we have applied our industry knowledge and practical experiences to creating an application that addresses this very question. We have created a Web Design Cost Calculator (we call it Qalculator!) so you can get a rough idea of how much your next website may cost you. The Qalculator takes into account various web design options, techniques and their associated costs. Naturally, it assumes that you have some basic technical ideas about what kind of website you may need and some understanding of technical requirements of the functionality (features) that it will have. Our excellent Android Application Development team has created an android app that you can install on your smartphone or tab and figure out the approximate cost while you are in a meeting with your client or on the go. Qalculator also lets you compare prices between outsourcing web design projects to QuantumCloud and a USA based company. So, without further ado:

I don’t like to play 20 questions, just give me a number

20 Questions?You have a new business and you need a website. How much is this web design going to cost you? When you think about getting a website built for business or any other purpose, it is natural to wonder about the associated costs even before you go about knocking on web design company doors. When I go about buying any service or product, this is also one of the first questions in my mind. An estimate or rough idea gives us time to ponder our budget and prepare for what is to come. However, the catch is that there is no straight forward answer to this question in case of web design without knowing more details. There should not be. It’s like asking “How much a car costs?”. It depends. If you are a mom and have kids you may need a Toyota Prius. If you are a multimillionaire, carefree bachelor, a Jaguar F-Type may be more appropriate for you. The point is that the web design cost and pricing depends on many variables. Such as:

  • Do you have a professional logo designed or need the web design company to create a brand-able logo for you?
  • Is this going to be a brand new website to be developed from scratch or is it a redesign of an existing website?
  • How about Responsive Web Design?
  • Do you need a CMS or you are going to rely on your web design company for content updates?
  • Do you have the web page text contents and some graphics ready
  • Do you also need any multimedia (Flash, video, etc.) developed for the website?
  • Will your website need eCommerce?
  • Can you do without a blog component?
  • Do you need paid subscriptions? Newsletters? Event calenders? Different membership levels?
  • How about SEO? Without a professional SEO company promoting your website it may not get any visitor at all!

Some or possibly all of the above questions are relevant for a web design company to determine how much your next website may cost because websites come in all varieties and sizes! One shoe does not fit all. Each business is unique. Each website has its own, unique requirements too to because it caters to a specific business’ needs. Web design companies try to understand the website requirements of a company by analyzing its business process. It then applies that understanding to determine how much time and effort the new website design and development may take and converts that into a dollar amount which is your web design cost. Without specific website requirement briefs if you ask 5 web design companies how much your website is going to cost, you will get five different quotes that may differ from each other by few thousands of dollars. However, if you have done some researches of your own, done some planning and have some understanding of what you need for your website then Qalculator will give you a good approximation of how much your website design will cost you. You can then send the website requirements right from inside the Qalculator to QuantumCloud sales team to confirm the web design quote and start a dialogue.

Friendly Web Design CompanyWhat else you got?

If you are unsure about how to go about planning your website or do not what technical features or functionality your website may need, contact us and we can help. You can also use our detailed Free Web Design Quote Request form to get started. We would love to hear from you.

  Business Development, Thoughts, Web Design
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  (20 articles)

I am founder and Executive Director at Web Design Company QuantumCloud. I have been in love with the Internet since 1998. Internet is my passion, obsession and profession. Like to play on my Play Station. Big fan of science fiction books and movies. Fan of Dr. House, Sherlock Homes and Game of Thrones. I strongly believe that Ender's Game is the greatest sci fi book ever written. The movie - one of the worst ones.

One Comment

  • Mihir shah says:

    Great information for all . who can made website and who need to make website. thank you for sharing ..!

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